All Mendel Sets

MS 906 - Stereochemistry Drills Submitted by Matt on August 6, 2011.

Textbook and Chapter: Carey and Giuliano 8th Ed. (2010), Chapter 7

Keywords: chiral resolution, Fischer projections, R and S configuration, stereochemistry

Description: This mendel set covers various stereochemistry topics, such as:

  • Assigning R/S configuration
  • Fischer projections
  • Identifying meso molecules
  • Stereoselective reactions (are the products racemic or optically active?)
  • Chiral resolutions

Total Problems: 8

MS 904 - Carbocation Drills Submitted by Matt on August 6, 2011.

Textbook and Chapters: Carey and Giuliano 8th Ed. (2010), Chapters 4, 5, 6

Keywords: carbocation, carbocation formation, carbocation rearrangement

Description: This mendel set guides you through everything you have to know about carbocations:

  • Ways carbocations form
  • Carbocation rearrangements
  • How carbocations react (elimination or nucleophilic attack)

Also includes some practice problems: addition to an alkene, dehydration (E1), and substitution (SN1).

Total Problems: 8

MS 903 - Carbocation and Alkene Review Drills Submitted by Matt on August 6, 2011.

Textbook and Chapters: Carey and Giuliano 8th Ed. (2010), Chapters 4, 5, 6

Keywords: alkene addition, carbocation

Description: Identify the intermediates (carbocation, radical, borane intermediate, etc.) and products for important reactions dealing with alkenes. Good review for an orgo1 midterm.

Total Problems: 7

MS 902 - Formal Charge and Resonance Submitted by Matt on August 6, 2011.

Textbook and Chapter: Carey and Giuliano 8th Ed. (2010), Chapter 1

Keywords: formal charge, Lewis structures, resonance

Description: This mendel set goes through the basics of structure:

  • Converting between formulas and carbon skeleton diagrams ("Zig-zag" structures)
  • Determining formal charge
  • Identifying implicit hydrogens and lone pairs
  • Resonance and arrow pushing

Total Problems: 7

MS 901 - Acid-Base Practice Submitted by Matt on August 6, 2011.

Textbook and Chapter: Carey and Giuliano 8th Ed. (2010), Chapter 1

Keyword: acid strength

Description: This mendel set goes through rules that affect acid and base strength:

  • Negative charges are best on more electronegative atoms (left to right on periodic table).
  • Negative charges are best on larger atoms (up to down on periodic table).
  • Resonance stabilizes charges. The more resonance forms the better.
  • Neutral compounds are in general more stable than changed ones.

"What makes a compound stable?" problems are key to understand for the MCAT.

Total Problems: 6

MS 900 - Conformers and Cyclohexane Practice Submitted by Matt on August 6, 2011.

Textbook and Chapter: Carey and Giuliano 8th Ed. (2010), Chapter 3

Keywords: conformational analysis, cyclohexane chair forms

Description: Reviews cyclohexane chair forms and conformations of butane:

  • Which dimethylcyclohexane is more stable 1,2-cis or 1,2-trans? Why?
  • Drawing chair forms
  • E2 anti-coplanar conformation and chair forms
  • Newman projects

Total Problems: 4

MS 899 - Beginning Mechanism Practice Submitted by Matt on August 6, 2011.

Textbook and Chapters: Carey and Giuliano 8th Ed. (2010), Chapters 4, 5

Keywords: carbocation rearrangement, free radical halogenation, mechanism

Description: Practice mechanisms from the first half of Fall semester orgo. Dehydration (E1), substitution with carbocation rearrangement (SN1), and free-radical bromination.

Total Problems: 3