Reactions (predict the product, show the starting material..)

Problem # 756

For each amine below, show all Hofmann elmination products.

If more than one product is formed, predict which one will be the major product.

Problem # 678

Draw the structure of the major organic product from each reaction sequence.

Problem # 577

Retro Diels-Alder: show a combination of diene and dienophile that would result in each Diels-Alder adduct.

Problem # 576

Retro Diels-Alder: show a combination of diene and dienophile that would result in each Diels-Alder adduct.

Problem # 575

Predict the product for each Diels-Alder reaction. Indicate stereochemistry where appropriate.

Problem # 574

Predict the product for each Diels-Alder reaction. Indicate stereochemistry where appropriate.

Problem # 562

Fill in the product for each reaction below. Indicate stereochemistry where appropriate.

Problem # 561

Fill in the product for each reaction below. Indicate stereochemistry where appropriate.

Problem # 560

For each reaction below, determine whether the primary reaction is SN1, SN2, E1, or E2, and then draw the product.

Note: Me = methyl (CH3)

Problem # 537

Indicate the reagents necessary to carry out each transformation.